

Findling, et al. The 24-month course of manic symptoms in children. Bipolar DisordersPDF to Article

Gruber, et al. Reward Dysregulation and Mood Symptoms in an Adolescent Outpatient Sample. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 1053-1065. PDF to Article

Hafeman, et al. Phenomenology of bipolar disorder not otherwise specified in youth: a comparison of clinical characteristics across the spectrum of manic symptoms. Bipolar Disorders, 15, 240-252. PDF to Article


Algorta, G. P., Youngstrom, E. A., Phelps, J., Jenkins, M. M., Youngstrom, J. K., & Findling, R. L. (2012, July 16). An Inexpensive Family Index of Risk for Mood Issues Improves Identification of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0029225.  PDF to Article

Arnold, L.E., et al., Pediatric bipolar disorder and ADHD: Family history comparison in the LAMS clin- ical sample, J. Affect. Disord. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.jad.2012.03.015 PDF to Article

Cole, et al. Are Increased Weight and Appetite Useful Indicators of Depression in Children and Adolescents? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 838-851. PDF to Article

Demeter, et al. Age differences in the phenomenology of pediatric bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective DisordersPDF to Article

Findling, et al. Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Long-Term Maintenance Study of Aripiprazole in Children with Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73, 57-63. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Respondent and item level patterns of response of aripiprazole in the acute treatment of pediatric bipolar I disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 143, 231-235. PDF to Article

Frazier, et al. Neurocognitive Outcomes in the Treatment of Early-Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, 496-505. PDF to Article

Frazier, et al. Validation of Proposed DSM-5 Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, 28-40. PDF to Article

Freeman, et al. Probability of a Screener for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder to a Diverse Setting. Psychological Assessment, 24, 341-351. PDF to Article

Fristad, et al. What differentiates children visiting outpatient mental health services with bipolar spectrum disorder from children with other psychiatric diagnoses? Bipolar Disorders, 14, 497-506. PDF to Article

Hack, et al. Self-Reported Adolescent Health Status of Extremely Low Birth Weight Children Born 1992-1995. Pediatrics, 130, 46-53. PDF to Article

Horwitz, et al. Parent’s Perceptions of Benefit of Children’s Mental Health Treatment and Continued Use of Services. Psychiatric Services, 63, 793-801.


Andres De Los Reyes, Eric A. Youngstrom, Shairy C. Pabón, Jennifer K. Youngstrom, Norah C. Feeny & Robert L. Findling (2011): Internal Consistency and Associated Characteristics of Informant Discrepancies in Clinic Referred Youths Age 11 to 17 Years, Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 40:1, 36-53.PDF to Article

Arnold, et al. Pediatric bipolar spectrum disorder and ADHD: comparison and comorbidity in the LAMS clinical sample. Bipolar Disorders, 13, 509-521. PDF to Article

Axelson, et al. Concerns Regarding the Inclusion of Temper Dysregulation Disorder With Dysphoria in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Journal of Clinical PsychologyPDF to Article

Carlson, G.A. and Youngstrom, E. Two Opinions About One Child — What’s the Clinician to Do? Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21PDF to Article

Cole, D. A., Cai, L., Martin, N. C., Findling, R. L., Youngstrom, E. A., Garber, J., Curry, J. F., Hyde, J. S., Essex, M. J., Compas, B. E., Goodyer, I. M., Rohde, P., Stark, K. D., Slattery, M. J., & Forehand, R. (2011, May 2). Structure and Measurement of Depression in Youths: Applying Item Response Theory to Clinical Data. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0023518. PDF to Article

De Los Reyes, A., Feeny, N.C., Findling, R.L., Swan, A.J., Youngstrom, E.A., and Youngstrom, J.K. Informant Discrepancies in Clinical Reports of Youths and Interviewers’ Impressions of the Reliability of Informants. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21, 417-424. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. An Open-Label Study of Aripiprazole in Children with a Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21, 345-351. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Clinical Characteristics of Children Receiving Antipsychotic Medication. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21, 311-319. PDF to Article

Frazier, et al. Relationship of Persistent Manic Symptoms to the Diagnosis of Pediatric Bipolar Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Clinical PsychiatryPDF to Article

Freeman, et al. Is Caregiver-Adolescent Disagreement Due to Differences in Thresholds for Reporting Manic Symptoms? Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21, 425-432. PDF to Article


Findling, et al. Characteristics of Children with Elevated Symptoms of Mania: The Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms (LAMS) Study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71PDF to Article

Frazier, et al. Autism Spectrum Disorders as a Qualitatively Distinct Category From Typical Behavior in a Large, Clinically Ascertained Sample. DOI: 10.1177/1073191109356534. PDF to Article

Frazier, et al. Effectiveness of Medication Combined with Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Reducing Aggression in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 20, 167-177. PDF to Article

Glutting, et al. Using Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses to Support Regulatory Decision Making for Neurotoxicants: Lessons Learned from a Case Study of PCBs. Environmental Health Perspectives, 118, 727-734. PDF to Article

Gracious, et al. Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of flax oil in pediatric bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 12, 142-154. PDF to Article


Arnold, et al. Early-Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: Diagnostic Issues. Clinical Child and Family Psychological Review, 12, 271-293. PDF to Article

Andrew J. Freeman, Eric A. Youngstrom, Erin Michalak, Rebecca Siegel, Oren I. Meyers and Robert L. Findling. Quality of Life in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-0841.


Calabrese, J.R., Du Rocher Schudlich, T.D., Findling, R.L., and Youngstrom, E.A. The Role of Family Functioning in Bipolar Disorder in Families. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 849-863. PDF to Article

Ghaemi, et al. Diagnostic guidelines for bipolar disorder: a summary of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Diagnostic Guidelines Task Force Report. Bipolar Disorders, 10, 117-128. PDF to Article

Henry, et al. Accuracy of Brief and Full Forms of the Child Mania Rating Scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64, 368-381. PDF to Article


Calabrese, J.R., Duax, J.M., Findling, R.L., and Youngstrom, E.A. Sex Differences in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 68, 1565-1573. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Divalproex Monotherapy in the Treatment of Symptomatic Youth at High Risk for Developing Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology 68, 781-788. PDF to Article

Flanders, et al. Observed Clinical and Health Services Outcomes in Pediatric Inpatients Treated with Atypical Antipsychotics: 1999-2003. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 17, 312-327. PDF to Article

Frazier, et al. Evaluation and Comparison of Psychometric Instruments for Pediatric Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Four Age Groups. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 17, 853-866. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W., Glutting, J.J., Watkins, M.W., and Youngstrom, E.A. ADHD and Achievement: Meta-Analysis of the Child, Adolescent, and Adult Literatures and a Concomitant Study with College Students. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, 49-65. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W., Busch, R.M., Haggerty, K.A., Naugle, R.I., Youngstrom, E.A. The latent structure of cognitive symptom exaggeration on the Victoria Symptom Validity Test. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22, 197-211. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W., Naugle, R.I., and Youngstrom, E.A. The Latent Structure of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a Clinic-Referred Sample. Neuropsychology, 21, 45-64. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W. and Youngstrom, E.A. Historical increase in the number of factors measured by commercial tests of cognitive ability: Are we overfactoring? Intelligence, 35, 169-182. PDF to Article


Danielson, C.K., Feeny, N.C., Findling, R.L., Schwartz, L, and Youngstrom, E.A. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorders in adolescents: a pilot study. Bipolar Disorders, 8, 508-515. PDF to Article

Demaree, et al. Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) Strength and Trait Dominance are Associated with Affective Response and Perspective Taking when Viewing Dyadic Interactions. International Journal of Neuroscience, 115, 1579-1593. PDF to Article

Evans, S.W., and Youngstrom, E.A. Evidence-Based Assessment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Measuring Outcomes. Journal of American Academic Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 1132-1137. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Combination Lithium and Divalproex Sodium in Pediatric Bipolar Symptom Restabilization. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 142-148. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. The Relevance of Pharmacokinetic Studies in Designing Efficacy Trials in Juvenile Major Depression. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 16, 131-145. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W. and Youngstrom, E.A. Evidence-Based Assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Using Multiple Sources of Information.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 614-620. PDF to Article


Calabrese, et al. A 20-Month, Double-Blind, Maintenance Trial of Lithium Versus Divalproex in Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 2152 – 2161. PDF to Article

Bilali, S., Calabrese, J.R., Findling, R.L., Jackson, K., Rapport, D.J., Youngstrom, E.A. New data on the use of lithium, divalproate, and lamotrigine in rapid cycling bipolar disorder. European Psychiatry, 50, 92-95. PDF to Article

Demaree, H.A., Everhart, D.E., Harrison, D.W., and Youngstrom, E.A. Brain Lateralization of Emotional Processing: Historical Roots and a Future Incorporating “Dominance”. Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience ReviewsPDF to Article

Findling, et al. Double-Blind 18-Month Trial of Lithium Versus Divalproex Maintenance Treatment in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 44, 409-417. 

Findling, et al. Early symptoms of mania and the role of parental risk. Bipolar Disorders, 7, 623-634. PDF to Article

Glutting, J.J, Watkins, M.W., & Youngstrom, E.A. ADHD and College Students: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Structures With Student and Parent Data. Psychological Assessment, 17, 44-55. PDF to Article

Hack, et al. Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms Among Very Low Birth Weight Among Women. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 26, 93-104. PDF to Article

Hatters Friedman, et al. Gender Differences in Criminality: Bipolar Disorder with Co-occuring Substance Abuse. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 33, 188-195. PDF to Article


Calabrese, et al. Mood State at Study Entry as Predictor of the Polarity of Relapse in Bipolar Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 56, 957-963. PDF to Article

Danielson, C.K., Feeny, N.C., Findling, R.L., and Youngstrom, E.A. Psychosocial Treatment of Bipolar Disorders in Adolescents: A Proposed Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 11, 284-297. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W., Youngstrom, E.A., Chelune, G.J, Naugle, R.I., and Lineweaver, T.T. Increasing the reliability of ipsative interpretations in neuropsychology: A comparison of reliable components analysis and other factor analytic methods. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 10, 578-589. PDF to Article

Frazier, T.W. and Youngstrom, E.A. Meta-Analysis of Intellectual and Neuropsychological Test Performance in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Neuropsychology, 18, 543-555. PDF to Article

Gracious, et al. Elevated Thyrotropin in Bipolar Youths Prescribed Both Lithium and Divalproex Sodium. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 215-220. PDF to Article

Hack, et al. Behavioral Outcomes and Evidence of Psychopathy Among Very Low Birth Weight Infants at Age 20 Years. Pediatrics, 114, 932-940. PDF to Article


Carlson, G.A. and Youngstrom, E.A. Clinical Implications of Pervasive Manic Symptoms in Children. Biological Psychiatry, 53, 1050-1058. PDF to Article

Carlson, et al. Methodological Issues and Controversies in Clinical Trials with Child and Adolescent Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Report of a Consensus Conference. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 13, 1-15. PDF to Article

Calabrese, J.R., Danielson, C.K., Findling, R.L., and Youngstrom, E.A. Discriminative Validity of the General Behavior Inventory Using Youth Report. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 31, 29-39. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Combination Lithium and Divalproex Sodium in Pediatric Bipolarity. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42, 895-901. 


Calabrese, J.R., Gracious, B.L., Findling, R.L., & Youngstrom, E.A. Discriminative Validity of a Parent Version of the Young Mania Rating Scale. Journal of the American Academy of Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 1350-1359. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Clinical decision-making using the General Behavior Inventory in juvenile bipolarity. Bipolar Disorders, 4, 34-42. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. A Prospective, Open-Label Trial of Olanzapine in Adolescents with Schizophrenia. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42, 170-175. 

Gracious, B.L., Krysiak, T.E., & Youngstrom, E.A. Amantadine Treatment of Psychotropic-Induced Weight Gain in Children and Adolescents: Case Series. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 12, 249-257. PDF to Article


Caruso, J.C., Glutting, J.J., Witkiewitz, K., and Youngstrom, E.A. The Frequency of Reliable Component Difference Scores for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Third Edition in Two Samples. Psychological Assessment, 13, 543-548. PDF to Article

Findling, et al. Rapid, continuous cycling and psychiatric co-morbidity in pediatric bipolar I disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 3, 202-210. PDF to Article


Ackerman, B.P., Izard, C.E., Levinson, K., Schoff, K., Youngstrom, E. The Relations Between Cluster Indexes of Risk and Promotion in the Problem Behaviors of 6- and 7-Year-Old Children From Economically Disadvantaged Families. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1355-1366. PDF to Article

Ackerman, B.P., Izard, C.E., Kogos, J., Schoff, K., Youngstrom, E. Contextual Risk, Caregiver Emotionality, and the Problem Behaviors of Six- and Seven-Year-Old Children from Economically Disadvantaged Families. Child Development, 70, 1415-1427. PDF to Article

Ackerman, B.P., Izard, C.E., Kogos, J., Schoff, K., & Youngstrom, E. Family Instability and the Problem Behaviors of Children from Economically Disadvantaged Families. Developmental Psychology, 35, 258-268. PDF to Article


Glutting, J.J., Hale, R.L., Ward, S., Ward, T., & Youngstrom, E.A. Incremental Efficacy of WISC-III Factor Scores in Predicting Achievement: What Do They Tell Us? Psychological Assessment, 9, 295-301. PDF to Article


Cole, et al. Depression and Disability in Parkinson’s Disease. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 8, 20-25. 

Glutting, J.J., Oakland, T, Watkins, M.W., & Youngstrom, E.A. Situational Specificity and Generality of Test Behaviors for Samples of Normal and Referred Children. School Psychology Review, 25, 94-107. PDF to Article

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